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Password Safe и использованный в нём алгоритм шифрования Twofish разработаны и опубликованы Брюсом Шнайером (Bruce Schneier) и Counterpane Labs. Twofish — быстрый и свободный алгоритм шифрования, являющийся альтернативой AES, DES и IDEA. Сейчас Password Safe является программным обеспечением с открытым исходным кодом и находится в свободном доступе. Сколько имён пользователей и паролей паролей вы используете? Независимо от того, будет вашим ответом «один» или «сотни», с помощью Password Safe вы легко создадите защищённый зашифрованный список паролей. Для доступа к ним вам необходимо запомнить лишь один мастер-пароль.
Обеспечение безопасности начинается с пользователя. Хранить пароли записанными на клочках бумаги или в записных книжках на столе небезопасно, да и любопытные глаза (машины или человека) могут подсмотреть их. Использование одного и того же пароля на всех компьютерах и веб-сайтах может привести к реализации кошмарного сценария, в котором кто-то, разгадав этот пароль, получает доступ ко всему, что у вас есть (компьютерам, электронной почте, финансам, рабочим файлам).
С помощью Password Safe вы сможете как управлять ранее созданными паролями, так и с лёгкостью создавать, хранить, упорядочивать, восстанавливать и использовать новые сложные пароли, удовлетворяющие заданным правилам сложности. Однажды сохранив имя пользователя и пароль, затем вы сможете найти их сделав лишь несколько щелчков мышью.
С помощью Password Safe вы можете упорядочить свои пароли по различным настраиваемым полям, например, по имени пользователя, категории, веб-сайту, или расположению. Для хранения паролей можно создать один список, зашифрованный с использованием мастер-пароля (зашифрованный контейнер), или же разбить их каким-либо образом на несколько групп (например, на домашние и рабочие) и использовать для них отдельные контейнеры с различными мастер-паролями. Благодаря интуитивно-понятному интерфейсу вы разберётесь в программе за несколько минут.
Установка. Запустить pwsafe-3.26.exe и выбрать вариант: обычная или портативная
В программе имеется подробное руководство на русском языке.
Password Safe and the Twofish encryption algorithm it uses were originally developed and released to the public by Bruce Schneier and Counterpane Labs. Twofish is a fast, free alternative to the AES, DES and IDEA encryption algorithms.
How many passwords and user names do you have to keep track of? Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted master password list. A single Master Password unlocks them all for your use.
Security starts with the user. Keeping written lists of passwords on scraps of paper, or in a text document on your desktop is unsafe and is easily viewed by prying eyes (both cyber-based and human). Using the same password over and over again across a wide spectrum of systems and web sites creates the nightmare scenario where once someone has figured out one password, they have figured out all your passwords and now have access to every part of your life (system, e-mail, retail, financial, work).
Password Safe allows you to manage your old passwords and to easily and quickly generate, store, organize, retrieve, and use complex new passwords, using password policies that you control. Once stored, your user names and passwords are just a few clicks away.
Using Password Safe you can organize your passwords using your own customizable references—for example, by user ID, category, web site, or location. You can choose to store all your passwords in a single encrypted master password list (an encrypted password database), or use multiple databases to further organize your passwords (work and home, for example). And with its intuitive interface you will be up and running in minutes.
Installation. Run pwsafe-3.26.exe and choose the option: standard or portable
New Features for 3.26 ===================== [3288341] Autotype has been added to the DragBar. Drag the image to an input area on another Window (e.g., Browser) and PasswordSafe will begin Autotype from there. [3286721] User can now toggle between read-only and read-write modes via a menu item or by double-clicking on the current R-O or R/W indicator in the Status Bar. [3203152] The displayed language can now be changed via the new Manage->Change Language menu. [3065111] Add/Edit now displays both the Application's (PasswordSafe) and the current database's default Autotype string (if set via Manage->Options). [2964804, 1855389] The user can specify the list of symbols valid for password generation, and can override this for any particular entry (except when EasyVision or Pronounceable passwords are chosen). [1831893, 1471134] Added Autotype code "\s" to send "Shift+Tab" (back tab). [] Allow user to control copying of the password to clipboard when performing "Browse to URL" via an option in Options->Security. This is a database option i.e., you can have different setting for different databases. [] Support importing of TXT, CSV files and XML exported from KeePass V1 and KeePass V2 XML files. Note that KeePass V2's export in the V1 format is does not conform to their own format as specified by their V1 product and can not be imported. Please review our Help file for the settings in KeePass required during their export.
Changes to Existing Features in 3.26 ==================================== [] New image on start-up dialog - courtesy of user Prinz_Eugen. [] Polish installation texts added thanks to Michal Niklas. [] An entry's password expiry date is set or cleared directly rather than using the Set and Clear buttons after changing values. [] The default password generation policy is now for 12 character passwords that include symbol characters (previous default was 8, no symbols). [] Unknown database header fields and unknown entry fields are no longer exported when a database is exported to XML as there is no mechanism to re-check them during import. Exporting to XML and then importing to a new database can be used to remove these unknown fields. [] Date time fields, when exported to XML, now are in the W3C dateTime standard format instead of PasswordSafe's. This release can import XML files with date time fields in either of these forms. The next release will only be able to process the W3C standard. [] Fully support importing of TXT files exported from KeePass V1 including the Group Tree structure, URL and date time fields. Please review the online help for more details.
Bugs fixed in 3.26 ================== [3325116] Users can no longer select an entry via the System Tray icon's Recent Entry menu if the display has not been restored after minimize or unlock. [3306357, 3062632, 2888026] User preference changes are now correctly saved. This includes allowing user to change database preferences when the database is read-only. [3303018] Filters with quotes in their name are now correctly exported, imported and displayed in the Manage Filters dialog. [3301904] Export XML, export Text and the export of filters functions now process file names and paths containing non-Latin characters. In addition, missing directories in the specified path are created as neeeded. [3234204] PasswordSafe no longer exits if the command flag is set to "-s ". [3088187] The correct entry in List View is now used for Autotype when using the keyboard to select the entry when PasswordSafe first opens. [] Controls in Edit are now disabled if entry is protected. [] Compare databases now correctly compares the 'Protect' and password policy 'symbols' fields of entries.
Update: July 01, 2011 Platforms: Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7 Multilingual user interface (English, Russian, etc) Licence: Freeware Developer: pwsafe.org Size: 10.80 Mb
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