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Ashampoo Undeleter - новая программа для поиска и восстановления случайно удаленных файлов на жестких дисках компьютера, а также на внешних дисках USB, USB флэш-дисках и других носителях. Если вы случайно удалили важный документ или любимую песню с компьютера, это не проблема. Просто используйте эффективные функции поиска Ashampoo Undeleter и программа найдет и покажет вам список всех удаленных файлов. В этом списке вы сможете увидеть состояние каждого файла - какие файлы могут быть восстановлены полностью или частично.
Главные возможности программы: • Восстановление файлов и каталогов на NTFS, а также FAT 12, 16, 32 разделов • Восстановление файлов на разделах с активным сжатием NTFS • Восстановление файлов на разделах с активным шифрованием NTFS • Восстановление альтернативных потоков данных (ADS) на разделах NTFS • Поддержка всех известных файловых систем Microsoft Windows • ОЧЕНЬ быстрый MFT и FAT алгоритм, а также чрезвычайно быстрое восстановление • Неограниченное количество извлекаемых объектов (файлов, каталогов) • Анализ и оценка состояния извлекаемых объектов • Быстрый и, следовательно, интуитивно понятный пользовательский интерфейс
Ashampoo Undeleter now recovers files that were deleted. If files are moved to the recycle bin and it was emptied, these deleted files cannot be found again without an additional program. Ashampoo Undeleter was developed especially for such a scenario and detects and then recovers your accidentally deleted files and directories.
Although Windows does not display these files anymore; in most cases they are still present on the hard drive and are supposed to be overwritten by Windows sometime later. You can also choose on which devices or partitions you would like to look for deleted files. The recovery function of the Ashampoo Undeleter is extensive and not limited to the hard disk drives of your computer. Deleted files can also be detected and recovered on external USB drives, USB flash drives and other storage media. If possible, Ashampoo Undeleter recovers the deleted files and directories with just a few mouse clicks. Furthermore, you can select a target directory, a hard disk drive or external medium.
In addition to the results list of the search with Ashampoo Undeleter, the condition of the detected files that is displayed, too. Deleted files can be in different conditions. With the help of the displayed state, a statement can be made about whether the whole or only parts of the deleted file can be recovered or whether it cannot be recovered at all.
In our daily lives with computers small and big disasters can always happen. It is very annoying, if for example a beautiful picture, an important document or favorite MP3 is lost or accidentally deleted. In such a situation Ashampoo Undeleter is your salvation. With this program deleted files are recovered in next to no time. So, if you accidentally deleted your favorite song from your PC, this isn’t a disaster any more. Just use the effective search function of the Ashampoo Undeleter and have the program generate a list with all deleted files. In such a list even the condition of the files is displayed. This shows whether the files can be recovered completely, partly or not at all. Then you can recover your favorite song in your desired location with just one click. Be prepared for the next data emergency with Ashampoo Undeleter and be able recover deleted files quickly.
Important functions at a glance: • Recovery of files and directories on NTFS as well as FAT 12, 16, 32 partitions • Recovery of files on partitions with active NTFS compression • Recovery of files on partitions with active NTFS encryption • Recovery of alternate data streams (ADS) on NTFS partitions • Support of all known file systems on Microsoft Windows® • VERY fast MFT and FAT algorithm, as well as extremely quick recovery • Unlimited recoverable objects (files, directories) • Assessment and evaluation of the condition of recoverable objects • Quick and therefore intuitive user interface
Requirements * Operating System: Windows® XP, Windows Vista®(32bit/64bit) and Windows® 7 (32bit/64bit). * Computer: Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed. * Main Memory (RAM): The size of the main storage is insignificant for the employment of the program. We refer to the recommendations of the operating system in use from Microsoft. * Hard Drive Space: 30 MB for the program files plus some additional space for backup files (minimal). * Other: Full administrative rights are required to use the program.
Added: Jun 08, 2011 Platforms: Windows XP/Vista/7 Multilingual user interface (English, Russian, Ukrainian, etc) Developer: ashampoo.com No registration is required Size: 10.2 Mb
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